Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Coming to a Close

Wednesday, June 1st

     20-Time has made a significant impact on my life thus far. It has taught me that I can, in fact, bring my ideas to life. The endless support and praise I have received from family, friends, and strangers has been invaluable and really propelled me to create. Knowing that what you make is beautiful to someone else brings not only the viewer joy, but the artist as well.
     At the start of 20-Time I had 5 specific goals that I met to a certain extent.

  1.  came up with unique ideas for artwork
  2. drew a graphite rendition of my cousin for my aunt (see below "Maeve")
  3. created pottery (however, didn't sell it at school)
  4. used medium I haven't worked with a ton (metal spoons, canvas shoes, and oil be seen in next blog post)
  5. and finally, completed my "lofty goal" of having at least 10 strong portfolio pieces
     Throughout the process, I definitely had to work at home outside of class time or else i would not have accomplished as much as I did. Few roadblocks came my way and for that I am grateful. Also, a big thank you to Mr. Gledhill for being my mentor and graciously taking time out of his busy day to answer any questions I had. (:
     Even though we have reached the end of the 20-Time project as a class, I plan on continuing individually. I will still post my work and share my process with you. This summer should be a great time for me to continue and let my creativity flow. I am looking forward to this.

Birch Tree Abstract (18x24)

As an additive, I went to the beach yesterday and painted this for about 
an hour. It represents how nature inspires the mind and creates connections that spark the creativity in an individual. 

Thank you all for keeping up with my blog. Feel free to follow me by email or send me any art requests you have!


  1. I am so glad that I was able to witness your project throughout this entire 20 Time project. You are so talented and it has been a pleasure to see what you would create each week. I hope that we are in the same IB Art class next year, so I can continue to see your work. I am pretty sure I still have old drawings from the elementary school years that we would draw during recess. It is crazy to see how far you have come!

  2. I would totally buy portraits of my kids from you! Beautiful. You're an inspiration.

  3. The Birch Tree abstract is so trippy :O

  4. wow. Natalie,
    This is fantastic work! So creative. I think you have a great talent.
    Keep it up your fan, Nan
